- Since you’ll be lying down for a few hours, dress comfortably.
- If you’d like, come in with your brows drawn in. It will help me determine what shape/color you like; if you’re getting waxed, please make sure to do it a week before your appointment.
- Eat and drink something before you come in.
- Make sure to use the restroom prior to the procedure, as you won’t be able to do so during it.
Day 1 of the procedure:
- Use a clean tissue to gently pat the brows to avoid collecting lymph fluid there.
- First 20 minutes, blot every often (approximately every 2 minutes).
- The rest of day 1, blot every 30-60 minutes.
Day 1-3
- DO NOT get eyebrows wet for 3 days. You can take a body shower but preferably not a full shower until day 4. Blot brows dry after any exposure to humidity or sweat.
- Day 1-3, With clean hands, use foamy antibacterial soap to lightly and gently wash the brow area; remove soap; blot dry with clean tissue.
- After washing, apply thin layer of ointment; blot afterwards so the brow can breathe.
- Do not wash after day 3.
Day 1 – until they are completely flaked off:
- Apply thin layer of ointment 2x a day (more if very dry skin) until the scabbing has completely flaked off (usually about 10 days +/-), always blot afterwards so brow can breathe.
- Sleep on a clean pillow case.
- Avoid touching your brows with unclean hands and allowing others to touch them.
- Keep the tattooed area clean during the healing process (Day 1-10).
- DO NOT pick or scratch at the dry skin/flakiness; let the skin fall off naturally. Picking can cause scarring and loss of pigment.
- For the first week, avoid using makeup on the tattooed area. Any type of chemical could affect how your tattoo heals and turns out.
- Any necessary additions or changes can be made at your follow-up appointment no sooner than 4 weeks after the treated area has fully healed.
- After the pigment has fully healed, exposure to the sun over time may cause fading or discoloration.
- Glycolic acid and face peel products must be kept away from the tattooed area.
- No sweating, saunas, steam rooms, lakes/rivers/oceans, hot tubs, extremely hot showers, pools, sleeping on your face, direct sunlight, tanning beds until brows have fully flaked off (about 10-14 days).
- Use SPF on your brows to prevent them from fading after the tattoo has flaked off and moving forward.